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- Psicoterapia Individual | Katja Wirth
1. Psychotherapy Individual Psychotherapy is a journey, a journey into oneself and one's own history, which aims to help people deal with emotional, behavioral or relational problems. It is a process that involves dialogue and interaction between the patient and the therapist, in which the aspects that are causing discomfort or suffering for that person are explored and worked on. Psychotherapy is an applied science, that is dedicated to understanding and treating problems related to life itself, using scientific knowledge to help people achieve a healthier and more balanced life. During therapy, the patient is encouraged to talk about his thoughts, feelings and behaviors, while I, as a psychotherapist, seek to understand how these facts are connected in his story and what would be the possibilities for changes, and how they could happen effectively. (read about what my job is like in “my approach ”). Sessions last 50 minutes and take place via video call. Learn a little more about my approach. Click here.
- Katja Wirth - Psicóloga - Terapia Individual e para Casais
Who am I My name is Katja Wirth. I was born in Espírito Santo, but when I was a little girl I moved to Minas Gerais, where I spent my entire childhood and adolescence. I was a very curious child, I wanted to be a marine biologist because I was passionate about sharks... Read more My Approach I am a clinical psychologist, Bachelor of Psychology from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Behavioral Analytical Therapist, Master in Neurosciences from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie and lecturer. My work is guided by treatment models approved by the American Psychological Association, being the gold standard in reference ... Read more 1. Psychotherapy in individual Online individual psychotherapy has become an increasingly popular option for people seeking psychological treatment. Online therapy is as effective as face-to-face, however, without the need for locomotion - as consultations take place from your own home or car. In addition, it is a benefit especially for Brazilians living abroad, in areas where the Portuguese language is not easily accessible. Read more two. therapy of couples Couples therapy is a type of therapy that aims to help couples deal with their problems and improve their communication so that they can build stronger, healthier and happier relationships. It is a collaborative process in which I work with the couple to identify issues that need to be changed, improving the quality of the relationship and promoting positive changes and safer contexts for family development. Read more Serviços de Terapia How to Get Help If you are looking for help and identify with one or more of these words, contact me: Psychologist, Therapy, Counseling, Mental health, Psychological treatment, Behavior therapy, Depression, Anxiety, Mood disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Psychological disorders, Psychotherapy, Online therapy. 1. Anxiety two. Self esteem 3. 4. Depression Disorders 5. Stress Bruna Gomes Katja is a very competent psychologist. I've had other experiences with therapy, but in a short time I always lost interest. With her this did not happen; quite the contrary, every week I look forward to my session and I hate it when I have to cancel.
- Minha Abordagem | Katja Wirth
My Approach My work is guided by treatment models approved by the American Psychological Association, being the gold standard in reference in complaints related to anxiety, depression, relationships and personality disorders. Behavioral Analytic Therapy (CAT) is a therapeutic model based on the principles of behavior analysis. This approach aims to help patients understand their behaviors and feelings, and to change unhealthy functional patterns of behaviors that are affecting their quality of life. TAC emphasizes the importance of detailed analysis of present behavior rather than focusing only on past events. The behavior analytic therapist works with the patient to identify problem behaviors and develop strategies to change them. Behavioral analytic therapy is a complex, deep, and broad approach that includes a variety of techniques and methods, such as modeling, systematic desensitization, social skills training, acceptance and commitment therapy, among others. However, the main thing is the functional analysis of behavior, which aims to understand the contexts in which certain behaviors occur and which factors collaborate so that it continues to occur, even producing suffering and anguish. The main focus is to help the patient develop skills and strategies to deal with life's challenges in a more adaptive and healthy way. My main practice areas: Depression Anxiety and Phobias Difficulties in Relationships Life Changes Difficulties with Self-Esteem Eating Disorders Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Psychosomatic Illnesses Burnout syndrome
- Cursos | Katja Wirth
Como encontrar o seu parceiro ideal? Se você está cansado de entrar em relacionamentos frustrados, mudar de parceiros e, mesmo assim, você tem a percepção de continuar no mesmo relacionamento... esse curso é para você! Um guia definitivo de como encontrar o seu parceiro ideal. Meu nome é Katja Wirth, sou psicóloga clínica, mestre em neurociências e analista do comportamento. No decorrer dos anos percebi a dificuldade, em muitos pacientes, em se envolverem em relacionamentos genuinamente saudáveis. Por isso desenvolvi um método para auxiliá-los e agora transformei esse método em um curso para que você também possa aprendera "COMO ENCONTRAR O SEU PARCEIRO IDEAL". Assista agora a primeira aula de forma totalmente gratuita e dê o primeiro passo para encontrar o seu parceiro ideal. O Curso "Como encontrar o seu parceiro ideal" é o guia completo para tra nsformar os seus relacionamentos amorosos . Com técnicas comprovadas e estratégias eficazes, vamo s ajudá-lo(a) a entender seus padrões de relacionamento, identificar o que realmente procu ra em um parceiro e desenvolver habilidades essenciais para encontrar e manter relacionamen tos sau dáveis . C LIQUE AQUI PARA TER ACESSO AO CURSO COMPLETO Mas atenção, essa oferta é por tempo limitado. Não deixe essa oportunidade escapar! CONTEÚDO DO CURSO 1- Introdução: Qual a essência do curso? 2- Fazendo um diagnóstico dos seus relacionamentos anteriores. 3- Aprendendo a fazer “a lista” - Aprendendo o método funil. 4- O que significa essas características que tento desejo? 5- Primeiro encontro: Você é recrutador ou recrutado? 6- Onde está pessoa está? 7- Somos seres grupais, entendendo a filogenética nos relacionamentos. 8- Fases do relacionamento. 9- Divórcio, um bom começo + Uma aula bônus: Como descobrir os seus valores de vida? ACESSE O CURSO COMPLETO
- Terapia de Casais | Katja Wirth
two. therapy of couples Couples therapy is a precious seed that, if planted in fertile soil, produces beautiful flowers of love, connection and harmony in the relationship. It is very important that both of you are truly committed to participating in therapy and working together to overcome the challenges you face. Couples therapy helps strengthen communication and emotional connection, as well as promote mutual understanding and conflict resolution. The topics that can be addressed in couple therapy are diverse, from financial problems to infidelity issues or the arrival of a child. The important thing is that both are willing to open up and work together to overcome difficulties. As a couple's therapist, I always try to create a safe and welcoming environment, where both can feel free to express their feelings and needs. I also work with techniques that promote reflection and self-knowledge, as well as strategies to improve communication and conflict resolution. Couples therapy can be a challenging journey, but also a very rewarding one. At the end of the process, the couple emerges stronger, more united and with a deeper understanding of the love and commitment that unites them. Sessions last 50 minutes and take place via video call. Learn a little more about my approach. Click here.
- Depoimentos | Katja Wirth
Depositions Bruna Gomes Katja is a very competent psychologist. I've had other experiences with therapy, but in a short time I always lost interest. With her this did not happen; quite the contrary, every week I look forward to my session and I hate it when I have to cancel. Thais Very attentive psychologist, extremely punctual with consultations, and makes us see things from a realistic point of view, I am loving the consultations. João Bragança It's my first time doing therapy and I was naturally nervous about starting this process, but Dr. Katja made everything so easy and light, I feel welcomed, understood and looking for a light at the end of the tunnel, an excellent professional. Vera Andrade Extremely caring and humane! Consultations with Dr Katja changed my way of facing everyday life for much better! Priscilla Becker It has been amazing having Katja as a therapist. She manages to teach us with so much love and affection, it has been very rewarding to see the changes in my life. In each session I feel welcomed, protected, heard... Katja is very human. Therapy has changed my life and I'm glad it's being done through Katja Aline Camargo It has been incredible walking my journey with Katja as my therapist. She is an incredible professional, respectful and welcoming. Her way of conducting the session, including the metaphors for example, is fantastic. I am very happy with the choice I made! Geovanni Professional, Ethical, Attentive, very organized regarding the sequence of sessions. I really got a lot of results since I started therapy, it has helped me a lot. I learn a lot from their experiences and metaphors that I take to life. Livia Trajano Extremely punctual, attentive, best therapist in life. Thanks to katja, today I am a much better person, much happier Mariana Muller Caring and dear therapist, truly cares about her patients! The best I've ever been through.
- Quem Sou | Katja Wirth
Who am I My name is Katja Wirth. I was born in Espírito Santo, but when I was a little girl I moved to Minas Gerais, where I spent my entire childhood and adolescence. I was a very curious child, I wanted to be a marine biologist because I was passionate about sharks, some time later, around the age of 12, this passion migrated to the human mind, I watched all the documentaries, I wanted to read everything about it, so I decided that I wanted to do research about behavior and the human mind, so I should study psychology. At the end of my adolescence I moved again, now to São Paulo. At the time of taking the entrance exam, this passion still remained within me, I entered the Mackenzie Presbyterian University and soon began to do my research through the Faculty's Neuroscience Laboratory, I spent the whole day there and really loved all the possibilities that world had to offer. brought me. However, during this whole period, when I was saying that I would be a researcher and continue in the academic field, my mother would tell me “you will still fall in love with the clinic”, I listened, but I was sure that this possibility did not exist, I loved the laboratory . At the end of college, I needed to do a mandatory internship at the school clinic and I just fell in love. I still loved the lab, but I started to realize how my knowledge and technique could transform lives, I could keep analyzing, testing, studying... but now, the results weren't just numbers on my computer screen, they were real changes in front of my eyes. my eyes. I had prepared myself throughout graduation to enter the master's degree in neurosciences as soon as college was over, I decided that I would keep this plan, but I would work in the clinic at the same time. The master's period was incredible, the subjects were fantastic, I used equipment to carry out the analyzes that only had three in the country, everything I dreamed of, but the clinic took more and more hold of my heart and mind every day. I got married during my master's degree, with my best friend, after seven years of dating and as soon as I finished my master's degree, I said to him “now I'm going to dedicate myself 100% to the clinic” and I've done it ever since! I fell in love with caring, being together, sharing joys in health and being comfort and an instrument of change in difficult times. Today, my clinic is my little laboratory where I follow journeys and see life changes, restored marriages and restored health. This is a little bit of my trajectory until today. I am very grateful to all these stages and to everyone who, in one way or another, shaped what I am today and what I will become, but especially to God, who guided me this far and showed me the purpose He has for me. my life. A big hug, Katja Individual and couples therapy
- Terapia On-line | Katja Wirth - Psicóloga
Instagram You can follow the day to day of my work through instagram@psicokatjawirth . Here I talk about Brazilians abroad looking for therapy - individual and couples, online therapy, help for people with depression, anxiety disorder, among other subjects...